Sunday, August 20, 2006

August 18 - Day 70

We worked the goats on Friday, August 18. We checked FAMACHA© eye scores and body condition scores. There was an improvement in FAMACHA© eye scores from 3.03 on August 4 to 2.81 on August 18. Body condition scores increased slightly from 2.58 on August 4 to 2.65 on August 18. FAMACHA© scores ranged from 1 to 5; BCS's from 2.0 to 3.5.

Only 11 goats were dewormed on August 18 as compared to 21 (out of 31) on August 4. All goats with FAMACHA© scores of 4 or 5 were dewormed. Some goats with FAMACHA© scores of 3 were dewormed. The decision to deworm 3's was based on previous eye scores, current and previous body condition scores, and other factors affecting the goats' ability to withstand worm burdens. This time, the goats were dewormed with Levamisole sheep drench (Prohibit™) at 1.5 times the sheep dose.

Pasture conditions have deterioriated due to the continued lack of rainfall. No significant rainfall has fallen since July 18. The goats grazed down the chicory and are now grazing fields of orchardgrass, fescue, and forbs.

The next weigh day is Friday, September 1st (day 84 of the test).

The FAMACHA© System: A Review Article (PDF)

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