Tuesday, July 19, 2011

About this year's bucks

The goats that participate in the test come from many different consigners from many states. They represent many different breeds or crosses and prior to entering the test have experienced many different management schemes. Here's a summary of this year's bucks:

Number consigned - 81
Number of consigners - 23
Number of states represented - 11
State with most consigners - Maryland (6)
State with most goats - Maryland (19)

Boer - 4
Percentage Boer - 2
Boer x Kiko - 4
Kiko x Nubian - 1
Kiko - 9
Kiko x Spanish - 2
New Zealand Kiko - 3
Percentage Kiko - 14
Purebred Kiko - 23
Myotonic - 5
Savanna x Kiko - 4
Savanna x Spanish - 2
Spanish - 6

Boer-influenced - 10 (12.3 percent)
Kiko- influenced - 60 (74.1 percent)
Savanna-influenced - 6 (7.4 percent)
Spanish-influenced - 8 (9.9 percent)

Birth type
Singles - 15 (18.5 percent)
Twins - 48 (59.3 percent)
Triplets - 14 (17.2%)
Unknown - 3 (3.7 percent)

Creep feeding
Not creep-fed 62 (76.5 percent)
Creep-fed - 16 (19.8 percent)
Unknown - 3 (3.7%)

Age and birth
Age range:  82 to 146 days (2.7-4.9 months)
Birth date range:  January 15 - March 20, 2011
Average age:  113 days (3.8 months)
Average birth date:  February 17, 2011

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