Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ten more bucks chosen for the sale

An additional ten bucks has been chosen for the sale this Saturday. Though these bucks did not meet all the performance standards for gold, silver, or bronze level performance, they were selected on the same criteria as the top ten bucks: average daily gain (ADG), parasite resistance (FEC), and parasite resilience (FAMACHA© scores and number of anthelmintic treatments).

Fecal egg count data was further analyzed by removing the high fecal egg count and recalculating the data. Goats which had only one high egg count were favored over those who multiple high egg counts and higher overall egg counts.

It's important to note that growth rate is not the only important criteria when choosing herd sires. If a buck has high egg counts, he may pass this trait (poor resistance) onto his offspring. If he requires frequent deworming, he may pass this trait (poor resilience) onto his offspring. If his FAMACHA© scores exceeded 3 at any time, he might have died in situations where the goats are not monitored frequently for parasites.

The sale starts at 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 4 at the Washington County Agricultural Education Center near Boonsboro, MD. The top 10 bucks will be sold (in random order) first, followed by the additional ten bucks. The does (n=41) will be sold after the bucks.

Download list of all sale bucks