Friday, July 6, 2007

July 6 - Day 28

KEEDYSVILLE, MD, 6:45 a.m. -- The goats were worked today by Jeff Semler, Jeanne Dietz-Band, Mary Beth Bennett, Pam Thomas, and Susan Schoenian. FAMACHA© eye anemia and body condition scores (BCS) were determined by Susan Schoenian.

A second fecal sample was collected from each goat's rectum. The samples will be sent to Delaware State University for fecal egg count determination (day 28).
Two colored goats
FAMACHA© scores declined by one-half of a score, averaging 2.15 compared to 1.66 two weeks ago. Scores ranged from 1 (red) to 3 (pink). However, only one goat was dewormed (with moxidectin).

Goats scoring 1 or 2 on the FAMACHA© scale are usually not dewormed, whereas those scoring 4 or 5 are almost always dewormed. If a goat scores 3, other factors are considered when making the decision whether or not to deworm. These include body condition score, previous FAMACHA© and BCS, FAMACHA© scores of other goats, and the general health and thriftiness of the goat.
Jeanne Deitz-Band taking the temperature of a goat
We would anticipate that more goats (but not all) will require deworming in two weeks, due to the downward trend in FAMACHA© scores. The fecal samples may also show an increased level of infection. Last year, the need for anthelmintic treatment peaked on August 4. In 2005, it peaked July 11. Pasture infectivity usually peaks in the mid-summer.

Body condition scores improved slightly from 2.78 on June 22 to 2.84. Several goats were treated for infections on their ears, back, or testicle. Two goats were treated with an antibiotic for fever and respiratory symptoms.

sleepy goatThe research center received approximately 0.4 inches of rain yesterday. The rainfall tally for June was only 1.55 inches, compared to 6.48 inches in June 2006. Last year, most of June was dry, but more than four inches of rain fell at the end of the month. Temperatures are still mild, allowing for plentiful grazing.

Download July 6, 28-day report (PDF)