Monday, August 29, 2016

Egg Counts Increase

For the individual samples collected on August 18, fecal egg counts ranged from 0 to 11800 epg and averaged 2573 ± 2303 epg. The large standard deviation is indicative of a wide variation in data. The median egg count was 2025 epg. Two weeks ago, the average was 1940 ± 1865 epg and the median was 1550 epg.

Twelve goats had fecal egg counts below 500 epg, compared to 19 two weeks ago. There was a significant increase in the number of goats that had FECs above 2000 epg.  Thirty nine (41%) had egg counts between 2001 and 5000 epg. Nine had egg counts above 5000 epg, compared to four two weeks ago.

On the other hand, thirteen bucks have not had fecal egg counts above 1000 epg. Another 17 haven't had egg counts above 2000 epg. Fecal samples will be collected three more times:  September 1, 15 and 29.

Download August 18 FEC Report