Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Preliminary survey results

So far, 46 people from 16 states have completed the goat test online survey, including 18 consigners, 17 potential consigners, and 15 potential buck buyers. 67 percent classify themselves as commercial for-profit goat producers. 48 percent are Boer breeders. 41 percent are Kiko breeders. 45 percent breed crossbred meat goats.

collecting a fecal sampleThe traits most valued by the survey takers are parasite resistance (fecal egg counts), 85%; parasite resilience (FAMACHA© eye anemia scores and number of anthelmintic treatments), 84%; and growth on pasture, 78%. 89% of those surveyed think that the test places the appropriate amount of emphasis on parasite traits.

70 percent of survey takers do not think hay should be fed to the goats on pasture, unless there is a drought. 48 percent of survey takers are in favor of nutritional tubs. The remaining survey takers are split between nutritional tubs being used if there is a drought and not being in favor of nutrititional tubs at all.

If you have not completed the goat test survey yet, please do so and ask other meat goat producers to take the survey. The url for the survey is